AWB encourages and facilitates student participation in the arts through our five flagship programs:
Tunnicliff Performance Series
This program creates opportunities for students to experience concerts and classroom instruction by nationally recognized, award-winning performing artists. It is funded in honor of Darell and Robin Tunnicliff.
Music Mentoring Program
AWB grants scholarships to high school and college age mentors to teach free lessons to younger students, providing a role model for the younger student and early teaching opportunities for mentors. Additional supervision and instruction is provided by local music teachers.
Art Program
AWB provides summer art classes that provide students with the opportunity to create art that expands beyond the classroom. Programs are taught by area art teachers and are free of charge to participating students.
Photo by Casey Conlon, Q2 News
Loaned Instrument Program
AWB purchases instruments and rents them for free to students who would otherwise be unable to afford a quality instrument.
Standout Students
This scholarship program highlights exceptional students in the arts and music. Students are nominated by their teachers for achievement in visual or performing arts in addition to active community involvement.